Monday 5 September 2016

How To Keep The Human Touch In eLearning

For many years, learning in schools was all done in the classroom, where one leader would impart/pass on their knowledge to the whole room. However, thanks to recent advancements in technology, we are now seeing the growth of a different type of learning - electronic learning or ‘eLearning’.

eLearning allows students and employees to learn or train using the internet as guidance. Different companies, like Hexis Plus for example, offer extensive training courses online where employees from around the world can log in and train.
However, with so many different options available it can be hard to know exactly what the most effective method is and how technology should best be utilised. It also raises an important question - how can training seem less robotic and maintain a more personal touch?

Today there are two main methods being used: ‘Blended Learning’ and ‘Flipped Learning,’ both of which enable businesses to benefit from the cost-effective models of eLearning whilst still benefiting from the human touch. No matter how far technology develops, we will always have a need for personal learning and these two methods take advantage of this. Blended Learning - This form of learning is very much a ‘best of both worlds’ method in that employees will take part in eLearning but also attend classrooms or face-to-face meetings. Blended Learning takes the benefits of each and compiles them all into one program. Whilst employees will have a chance to learn at their own pace online, they will also have a support network offline to push their learning even further.
The added benefit of Blended Learning for all involved parties is that it gives employees a chance to learn independently from a system. It also allows employers to benefit because they are trusting their workers to research online as well as continuing to provide a teacher, ensuring that they know all the important factors of the training. Many workers say that they learn better in a blended learning environment created by companies like Hexis Plus. Flipped Learning - This a type of learning that takes the traditional educating method and literally turns it on its head. For example, normally employees will learn all the basics face-to-face and then receive resources to explore the topics that were covered further in their own time. However, sometimes this isn't the most efficient method as remote workers do not have help at home. In response, Flipped Learning gives employees the ‘basics’ to undertake research  before a session and  then expand their knowledge base in class.
When implemented correctly, this method of learning can work extremely well as all the basics can be covered online, meaning that the valuable time spent face-to-face can be used more wisely. Since employees already know the basics, they can delve into more detail with a teacher by their side. This form of learning allows the business to make the most of their money with teaching in a room and allows for a personalised learning experience for their employees to benefit from. One of the problems with regular learning is that the classroom only covers the basics which leaves employees on their own for the more tricky topics but flipped learning removes this.
eLearning is becoming ever-more popular which makes sense as it is cost-effective and proven to work; though this doesn't mean that human contact has to be completely lost. It is all too easy to leave your employees in front of a computer but this can lead to a ‘recall mentality’ rather than a ‘recognise mentality’. Hexis Plus enables you to maximise the relationship between technology and the personal touch, meaning that your employee’s learning would increase quicker than ever.

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