Tuesday 4 October 2016

6 Techniques for Growing your Facebook Page Likes

Out of all the different types of social media, Facebook is perhaps the hardest one to conquer, but with a few tips and tricks, we can help you grow your Facebook Page likes in no time:

1. Post twice a day

You’ve got loads of great content, and lots of things to share with your followers, but when do you share this information to make the biggest impact? Try using Facebook’s inbuilt analytics to see when your current followers are likely to be online and make sure you post at least twice a day. Not just for Twitter, hashtags can also help you to reach a wider audience and boost those likes.

2. Be our guest
Facebook Pages have a great feature that allows you to invite any of your friends to ‘like’ your page, make sure you make the most of this feature by regularly inviting anyone and everyone.

3. Give as much information as possible

There’s nothing worse than going to a Facebook page, only to find that there’s no useful information on it. Things like opening hours, mission statements and a fully fleshed out ‘About’ section are a great way to keep your followers and fans in the loop, thus increasing their likelihood of ‘liking’ your page and regularly coming back for updates.

4. Videos are the future

According to Facebook, videos are the future, and because of this their internal algorithm prioritises videos, showing them much more frequently and much higher up on people’s newsfeeds. By posting at least one video a day, you can reach a lot more people online.

5. Engage with your fans
It’s all very well and good posting great content, timing your posts and keeping everything on your page up to date, but if you’re not constantly interacting and engaging with your followers, then you’re just not doing it right. If someone comments on your post, reply to them, be friendly and create a relationship.

6. Use the tools that Facebook gives you
Using Facebook’s own graph search, you can really narrow down your target audience and then work on specifically targeting that subset of people. In this blog post, Facebook marketing expert Jon Loomer details just how exactly to use this tool to full effect.

You can have a great product, a great website, and great online content, but none of that matters if no one ever sees it. It is for this reason that Facebook is so important as a marketing tool these days. In a 2013 study by Syncapse, it was found that the most popular reason why people ‘like’ a Facebook Page is to show support and allegiance to the brand, proving that people are willing to align themselves with your business if they like what they see. So get out there, try these tips and give them something to ‘like’.

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