With fond memories of too much food at christmas, bad presents, various perfumes and the noise of family fading many of you, i'm sure, were ready to get back to work. For others there was a sinking feeling as you trapsed back to your job after a nice break, like:
What does the new year have in store for you? Will this year be better than last year? Will you be offered a promotion?
We'd love to hear your aspirations for the new year so please add comments below. We also want to be part of your journey so that in 12 months time you can say "a great year", "yes definately", "I was and I feel more valued in my job" to the above questions.
Over the next few months we will be launching our blended learning packages covering management and coaching training which should give you the boost and confidence you need to take the next step in your career.
If you are feeling brave, or knowlegeable, then you could use our amazing and simple learning management system (LMS) and presentation maker to create your own content and share it on our our learning marketplace. Register your interest in trying our LMS by commenting below:
One of our hopes is to launch our LMS and help thousands of small businesses to improve their online presence and sales. We also hope to help people in organisations to accelerate their careers this year. Speak to you soon.