Friday, 15 January 2016

Weekly update: 15/01/2015

Each week we will give you a high level (and short overview on the changes to our system). You'll probably hear me getting more and more excited because as a trainer myself I love using our system and it gets better, more streamlined and faster each week.

Important updates:

We have re-designed the quiz section (we have seven different types of question) so it it simpler and added a question timer.

We have improved the user management so that organisations can onboard temporary learners without having to set up the basic users themselves.

We have improved our analytics so that you can see what a user put, when they added it and also their responses when they improve their answer (therefore learning).

Any questions or queries email

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Thursday, 14 January 2016

An Amazing LMS for Connecting Coaches and Trainers to their Clients

If you are a TRAINER that consults with multiple companies (or works at a medium one) or a COACH then this is for you.  We are not the biggest player in LMS or e-learning marketplace, we are happy with that. We are new to the marketplace but our product has been shaped, developed and refined with a team of talented developers over the last few years. It has been steered by experts in learning who have looked at the big players (we aren't going to mention them but you probably know who they are) and saw how we could deliver something simpler but also better for trainers and coaches.

Why should you engage with our LMS? We aimed to create something to help small and medium businesses be more competitive by providing a solid range of features designed to help market our partners learning experiences and track engagement and learning.  We have included a very rough and ready product demo video to give you a teaser of the sorts of features that are available for our partners and help them to ACCELERATE their growth.

Be part of our beta launch and get something amazing, for free.  If you are a coach or trainer we will help you to grow your business using all of your existing content.

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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

What does 2016 have in store for you?

With fond memories of too much food at christmas, bad presents, various perfumes and the noise of family fading many of you, i'm sure, were ready to get back to work. For others there was a sinking feeling as you trapsed back to your job after a nice break, like:

What does the new year have in store for you? Will this year be better than last year? Will you be offered a promotion?

We'd love to hear your aspirations for the new year so please add comments below.  We also want to  be part of your journey so that in 12 months time you can say "a great year", "yes definately", "I was and I feel more valued in my job" to the above questions.

Over the next few months we will be launching our blended learning packages covering management and coaching training which should give you the boost and confidence you need to take the next step in your career.

If you are feeling brave, or knowlegeable, then you could use our amazing and simple learning management system (LMS) and presentation maker to create your own content and share it on our our learning marketplace. Register your interest in trying our LMS by commenting below:

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